Designation: Professor
School : School of Computer Sciences & Information Technology,
Qualification: MCA, PhD (Computer Science)
Phone : 9412327953
Email : [email protected]
Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Bhatt is working in School of Computer Science and Information Technology, Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani, Distt- Nainital (Uttarakhand). Dr. Bhatt has completed Ph. D. in Computer Science in 2009. His work area of research was Artificial Neural Network.
He has more than Seventeen years of teaching and research experience in various organizations of repute for PG & UG courses of Computer Science & IT. He is also associated with many renowned National/International Journals as Lead Guest Editor/reviewer/editorial board member. Around 10 SCIE/ESCI and more than 50 Scopus indexed/UGC Approved/other reputed National/International Journal research publications are credited to him.
He was member of Board of Studies and Academic/Research Degree Committee of many university. He is life member of CSI(Computer Society of India). He had served as State Student Coordinator of Region I Uttarakhand of CSI (for three year) and also served as Secretary of Uttarakhand ACM Professional Chapter.
He has published/edited books C# Programming using Dot Net Framework, Technology Enabled Learning, Introduction to Computers with basics of Programming.
He had worked in a project entitled “Automated Analysis for Quality Assessment of Apples using Artificial Neural Network” sanctioned under the Scheme for Young Scientists and Professional(SYSP) Govt. of India Department of Science and Technology(DST) New Delhi. He had also worked in the project entitled as “Automated IoT Based Smart Water Quality Assessment System”, “Medicinal Knowledge Portal Exclusively for Uttarakhand Remote and Hill Areas” sanctioned by Department of Science and Technology, Uttarakhand Science Education and Research Center (U-SERC) Dehradun. Presently He is working in the research project “Wireless Smart Agriculture Monitoring System” under U-SERC and “Analysis towards IOT based smart chemical content assessment system for Himalayan fruits” under TEQIP-III from UTU Dehradun.
He has published patent namely ‘Automated IOT based Smart Water Quality Assessment System’, ‘A Soil Monitoring Device’, ‘A Process to analyze Defects in Software’, ‘System and method to securely store data across network in distributed database to rehabilitate river’, and ‘IoT based Smart Food Adulteration Detection System and Method Thereof’ in pre patent journal. He has also sanctioned a copyright “Medicinal Knowledge Portal exclusively For Uttrakhand remote and hill areas”, by Govt. of India, Reg. No.-SW-10035/2018.
Research Areas : Artificial Neural Network, Internet of Thing.
Awards : Awarded by the significant contribution award by CSI for the year 2012-13 and Distinguished Professor award by CSI Mumbai Chapter. He is also awarded by Adarsh Vidya Saraswati Rastriya Purasker.
Sl. No. | Programme name | Programme Code | Names of the courses being offered as MOOCs or using OERs | Course code | Credit weightages of the courses | Name of the course Coordinator | Name of the Discipline on SWAYAM Platform |
1 | Lecture prepared for SWAYAMPRABHA Channel 20 for BCA-13 | BCA-13 | NA | NA | 4 | Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Bhatt | Computer Science |
2 | Corse offered on SWAYAM platform for | New course | Web Technology | New course | 4 | Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Bhatt | Computer Science |
Papers Published in SCI/ESCI Journal
- -Koranja M, Pant P, Pant D, Bhatt A K, Pant R P, “SVM Model to predict the Water Quality based on Physicochemical Parameters”, Vol. 6, No-2, 645-659, 2021, International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences, ISSN: 2455 - 7749, (Web of Science/ESCI).
- -Kumari N, Bhatt A K, Dwivedi R K, Belwal R “Hybrid Approach of Image Segmentation in classification of fruit mango using BPNN and discriminate analyzer”, Vol. 79 – Issue 37-38, (Oct, 2020), Multimedia Tools and Application, ISSN: 1380-7501/1573-7721, DOI 10.1007/s11042-020-09747-z, Scopus Indexed, (Web of Science/SCIE).
- -Kumar P, Bhatt A, " Enhancing Multi-Tenancy Security in the cloud computing using Hybrid ECC based data encryption approach", published in IET Communications [UGC Approved] (Web of Science/SCIE), DOI: 10.1049/IET-COM.2020.0255, pp:1-11, (July 2020), indexed, ISSN/eISSN: 1751-8628/1751-8636.
- -Bhatt A. K., Pant D. and Singh R., "An Analysis of the Performance of Artificial Neural Network Technique for Apple Classification" in AI & Society: journal of knowledge, culture and communication, imprint by Springer (Web of Science/SCI) (ISSN 0951-5666, AI & Soc DOI 10.1007/s00146-012-0425-z) (Vol. 24 No. 115, Published online: 15 May 2012), referred and indexed by SCOPUS, peer reviewed.
- -Bhatt A. K. and Pant D., “Automatic Apple Grading Model Development Based On Back Propagation Neural Network & Machine Vision, and Its Performance Evaluation” in AI & Society: journal of knowledge, culture and communication, imprint by Springer (Web of Science/SCI) (ISSN 0951-5666 AI & Soc DOI 10.1007/s00146-013-0516-5) (Vol. 30, No. 1, Published online: 13 Nov 2013), referred and indexed by SCOPUS, peer reviewed.
- -Kumari N, Bhatt A K, Dwivedi R K, Belwal R, " Automatic Grading of Mangoes based on surface defect detection using a combined approach of Image Segmentation", published in Environment Conservation Journal[UGC Approved] (Web of Science/SCI), 21(3):17-23, 2020, indexed, ISSN 0972-3099(Print) 2278-5124 (Online), DOI:36953/ECJ.202021303.
- Saxena A, Chang AnYaun, Kulathuramaiyer N, Bhatt A, “The Conceptual Framework of Articulated Human Intelligence in Perspective of Industry 4.0”, Jan 2019, Indian Journal of Science and Technology (Web of Science/SCI) , Vol 12(6), pp. 1-5, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2019/v12i2/141364, ISSN:0974-6846(Print)0974-5645(Online),peer reviewed.
- -Bisht A K, Singh R, Bhutiani R, Bhatt A K, " Water Quality Modelling of the River Ganga using ANN with reference to the various training function", published in Environment Conservation Journal[UGC Approved] (Web of Science/SCI), Volume-18 (1&2) pp:41-48, April 2017, indexed, ISSN 0972-3099(Print) 3378-5124 (Online) Thomson Reuters Impact Factor: 0.914 peer reviewed.
- Saxena A, Bhatt A, Gautam P, Verma P & Patel C, “High Performance FIFO Design for Processor through Voltage Scaling Technique”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology(ISSN(Print): 0974-6846 ISSN(Online): 0974-5645) (Web of Science/SCI) Vol. 9(45), DOI:10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i45/106916,Dec 2016, RG Journal impact: 0.97, indexed by SCOPUS, peer reviewed.
- -Pant J, Pant P, Pant R P, Bhatt A, Pant D, Juyal A, "Soil Quality Prediction for Determining Soil Fertility in Bhimtal Block of Uttarakhand using Machine Learning", published in International Journal of Analysis and Application, ISSN: 2291-8639, Volume-19(1), Dec 2021, pp 91-109, DOI: 10.28924/2291-8639-19-2021-91.
Papers Published in SCOPUS/UGC Approved/other reputed Journal
- -Pant J, Pant P, Bhatt A, Pant H, Pandey N, "Feature Selection towards Soil Classification in the context of Fertility classes using Machine Learning", published in International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering , ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12, Oct 2019, pp4000-4004, Scopus Indexed.
- -Kumari N, Bhatt A K, Dwivedi R K, Belwal R “Non-destructive classification of fruit mango based on extracted color–geometric features and used sample size in training phase of machine learning”, Vol. 14 – Issue 4, pp 3066-3074 (2020), Journal of Xidian University, ISSN: 1001-2400, DOI: https://doi.org/10.37896/jxu14.4/333, Scopus Indexed.
- Diwaker M, Bhatt A K, Shrivastava A, Agarwal A "A Supervised Approach to Assess Classification Techniques for HSI", published in Journal of Critical Reviews, Vol. 7, Issue 17, 2020, pp. 2670-2676, ISSN:2394-5125, UGC Approved, Scopus Indexed.
- -Bhatt A, Dubey S K, Bhatt A K, "Identifying and Analyzing Coronary Artery Calcium Score Metric to Predict Early Cardiovascular Health Issues", published in International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology , ISSN: 2207-6360, Volume-29 No-8, July 2020, pp.4104-4113, Scopus Indexed.
- -Pant H, Lohani M C, Bhatt A, Pant J, Joshi A, "Soil Quality Analysis and Fertility Assessment to Improve the Prediction Accuracy using Machine Learning Approach", published in International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology , ISSN: 2005-4238, Volume-29 No-3, 2020, pp10032-10043, Scopus Indexed.
- -Pant D, Bhatt A K, Khan M, Nautiyal O P, Adhikari P, "Automated IoT based Smart Water Quality Assessment System” published in “IEEE Xplore (DOI: 10.1109/SMART46866.2019.9117271), June 2020, E ISBN: 978-1-7281-3245-7, Scopus Indexed.
- -Bhatt A, Dubey S K, Bhatt A K, "Age-Gender Analysis of Coronary Artery Calcium Score to predict early Cardiovascular Diseases” published in “IEEE Xplore (DOI: 10.1109/Confluence47617.2020.9058151), April 2020, ISBN-978-1-7281-2791-0, Scopus Indexed.
- -Bisht A K, Singh R, Bhutiani R, Bhatt A K, " Artificial Neural Network Based Water Quality Forecasting Model for Ganga River", published in International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology(IJEAT) ISSN:2249-8958,Volume-8 Issue-6,August 2019, pp:2778-2785, Elsevier indexed by SCOPUS, peer reviewed, B Impact Factor: 5.97.
- Bisht A K, Singh R, Bhutiani R, Bhatt A, “Application of Predicative Intelligence in Water Quality Forecasting of the River Ganga using Support Vector Machines”, 2019, Predictive Intelligence using Big Data and the Internet of Thing, published by IGI Global, indexed by SCOPUS, pp 206-218, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6210-8.ch009, ISBN13:9781522562108, Thomson Reuters Impact Factor:0.424,peer reviewed.
- -Pant J, Pant P, Bhatt A, Pant H, Pandey N, "Feature Selection towards Soil Classification in the context of Fertility classes using Machine Learning", published in International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12, October 2019, Scopus Indexed.
- -Chauchan N, Bhatt A K, Dwivedi R K, Belwal R “Performance Analysis of Support Vector Machine in Defective and Non Defective Mangoes Classification”, Vol. 8 – Issue 4, pp 1563-1572 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering & Advanced Technology, Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication, ISSN: 2249-8958, B Impact Factor: 5.97, www.ijeat.org, DOI:10.9790, UGC Approved, Scopus Journal,Peer reviewed.
- Chaudhary M K, Mohd W G, Bhatt A “Ant Colony Optimization based Routing for throughput Enhancement in Cognitive Radio Network”, March 2019, Elsevier Social Science Research Network (ISN), UGC Approved, UGC Journal No: 44294, http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3389765, ISSN: 1556-5068, indexed by SCOPUS, Peer reviewed.
- Bhatt A, Dubey S K, Bhatt A K, “Proposed Model/Framework to avoid Sudden cardiac Arrest and Sudden Cardiac Death at early stage”, published in Springer- Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Scopus Indexed, UGC approved, Journal No: 49365, volume 1053, pp 683-694, RG Impact Factor 0.37, ISSN:21945357 E-ISSN: 21945365,Peer Reviewed.
- Saxena A, Bhatt A, Patel C, “SSTL IO Based WLAN Channel Specific Energy Efficient RAM Design for Internet of Thing”, 2018, IEEE-Advancement in Engineering and Computer Science organized by Advances in Science Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, indexed by SCOPUS/EI, pp. 1-5, DOI: 10.1109/IoT-SIU.2018.8519899, ISSN:2415-6698, Impact factor: 0.493,peer reviewed.
- Verma AC, Bhatt AK, Saxena A, Patel C, “Encounters in handling ICT especially Telemedicine centers in isolated tribal hilly areas of Uttarakhand”, Feb 2018, IEEE-Advancement in Engineering and Computer Science organized by Advances in Science Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, indexed by SCOPUS/EI, pp. 1-4, DOI. 10.1109/IoT-SIU.2018.8519936, ISSN:2415-6698, Impact factor: 0.493,Peer Reviewed.
- Bisht A K, Singh R, Bhutiani R, Bhatt A K, "ANN based Prediction Model for Estimating the Water Quality of the River Ganga" DOI: 10.1109/ICACCAF2017.8344735) published in IEEE Xplore, Advances in Computing Communication & Automation, 23 April 2018, ISBN:978-1-5090-6403-8,978-1-5090-6404-5(Print).
- Bateja R, Dubey SK, Bhatt A, “A Patient-Centric Healthcare Model Based on Health Recommender Systems”, Springer-Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 269-276, Nov 2018, Vol. 708, pp. 269-276, DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-8638-6_28, Springer, Singapore, ISBN 978-981-10-8635-9, 978-981-10-8636-6(online), Scopus Indexed, UGC approved, RG Impact Factor 0.49,ISSN : 21945357,UGC approved, UGC Journal NO: 49365.
- Tripathi P, Belwal R, Bhatt A K, "Assessment of Apple quality based on Scaled Conjugate Gradient Technique using Artificial Neural Network Model", published in International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 6, Issue. 7, July 2018, pp. 103-108, DOI-https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v6i7.103108, ISSN:2347-2693, SCOPUS indexed, UGC Journal No: 63193, Thomson Reuters Impact Factor: 3.022, UGC Approved,peer reviewed.
- Diwaker M, Bhatt A K, "Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery Using Random Forest", published in Communications in Computer and Information Science series Springer Nature Scientific Publishing Services, Vol. 827, May 2018, pp. 66-74, DOI-https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-8657-1_5, ISSN:978-981-10-8656-4(Print), UGC Approved,, Scopus Indexed/ RG Impact Factor 0.39 ,peer reviewed.
- -Bisht A K, Singh R, Bhutiani R, Bhatt A K, "Development of an Automated Water Quality Classification Model for the River Ganga", published in Springer Nature Singapore(Scopus Indexed Series), CCIS 827, pp. 190-198, 2018, https://doi.org /10.1007/978-981-10-8657-1_15, RG Impact Factor 0.39,peer reviewed.
- -Chauchan N, Bhatt A K, Dwivedi R K, Belwal R “Physical Parameters Extraction of Fruit Mango using Image Processing in MATLAB” Vol. 8 – Issue 5 (May 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research & Application (IJERA), ISSN: 2248-9622, www.ijera.com, DOI:10.9790, Scopus Indexed, Impact Factor 5.179, UGC approved, Journal No: 4525,peer reviewed.
- Pandey M, Bharti R, Bhatt A, “A study of Color Enhancement Techniques for Input Images”, published in IEEE Xplore, Aug 2017, pp. 1-7, Scopus Indexed, UGC approved, DOI: 10.1109/CSITSS.2017.8447690, E-ISBN:978-1-5386-2044-1, ISBN:978-1-5386-2045-8.
- Chauhan N, Bhatt A K, Dwivedi R K, Belwal R, “Accuracy Testing of Data Classification using Tensor Flow a Python Framework in ANN Designing”, IEEE Xplore, Nov, 2018, pp. 44-48, Scopus Indexed, UGC approved, 10.1109/SYSMART.2018.8746945, ISBN:978-1-5386-6370-7, E-ISBN:978-1-5386-6369-1.
- -Bateja R, Dubey S K, Bhatt A K, “Health Recommender System and its applicability with Map Reduce Framework” Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, book series (AISC, volume 584), Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-5699-4/25, ISSN: 21945357, Nov 2017, RG Impact Factor 0.37,peer reviewed,UGC approved, UGC Journal No:49365.
- -Chaudhary M K, Diwakar, Bhatt A K, “Enhancing TCP Communication in Cognitive Radio Network”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, volume 8, Issue 10, Oct-2017, ISSN 2229-5518, UGC Approved/ Thomson Reuters Impact Factor 4.2 peer reviewed.
- Tripathi P, Belwal R, Bhatt A K, "Efficiency Comparison of Various ANN-Based and SVM-Based Techniques for Classification problem : A Review", published in International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol. 8, Issue. 10, OCT 2017, pp. 90-95, ISSN:2229-5518.
- -Kumar P, Bhatt A, "Literature Review: Cloud Computing Security Issues and Techniques", published in International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol. 15, No. 8, August 2017, pp:180-183, https://sites.google.com/site/ijcsis/ ISSN 1947-5500, Thomson Reuters Impact Factor: 0.702 peer reviewed.
- Diwaker, Chaudhary M K, Tripathi P, Bhatt A K and Saxena A, “A Comparative Performance Analysis of Feature Extraction Techniques for Hyperspectral Image Classification”, published in International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications, Vol. 10, No. 12 (2016), pp. 179-188 http://dx.doi.org/10.14257/ijseia.2016.10.12.15, ISSN: 1738-9984, ICV Impact Point: 7.97, Scopus Indexed Journal peer reviewed.
- -Bisht A K, Singh R, Bhutiani R, Bhatt A K, “An Investigation of Assessment and Modelling the Water Quality of Rivers Based on Artificial Neural Networks- An Initiative towards the River Ganga”, DOI: 1017762, ISSN: 2454-4248, August 17, Volume 3 Issue 8, International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering(IJFRSCE)[UGC Approved], pp: 17 – 23, Impact Factor: 4.312,peer reviewed.
- -Bhatt A, Dubey S K, Bhatt A K, "Analytical Study on Cardiovascular Health issues Prediction using Decision Model based Predictive Analytic Techniques” published in “SPRINGER Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing(DOI: 1007/978-981-10-5699-4_28, ISSN: 21945357, (ISBN 978-981-10-5698-7), Volume 584, 24 May 2018, pp 289-299, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-5699-4_28 Scopus Indexed, , UGC Journal No: 49365, RG Impact Factor, peer reviewed.
- -Bhatt A, Dubey S K, Bhatt A K, "Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prediction Using Predictive Analytics”, published in International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems (Scopus indexed) published by Intelligent Networks and Systems Society, Vol.10, No.3, 2017 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2017.0630.28, UGC approved, UGC Journal No: 22983, ISSN: 2185310X, Impact Factor 0.34, peer reviewed.
- -Bhatt A, Dubey S K, Bhatt A K, Joshi M, "Data Mining Approach to Predict and Analyze the Cardiovascular Disease", published in “SPRINGER Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC, volume 515, pp.117-125)”, 2018, (ISBN DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-3153-3_12 ), UGC approved, UGC Journal No: 49365, Scopus Indexed/ RG Impact Factor 0.49, ISSN: 21945357, peer reviewed.
- -Saxena A, Bhatt A K, Pandey B, Tripathi P and Dutt G, “HSTL IO Standards Based Processor Specific Green Counter Design on 90nm FPGA”, published in International Journal of Control and Automation (Scopus indexed) published by Science and Engineering Research Support Society (ISSN: 2005-4297) Vol. 9, No. 7 (2016), pp.331-342 http//dx.doi.org /10.14257 /ijca. 2016. 9.7 .31, UGC approved, UGC Journal No: 2802, indexed by SCOPUS, Impact Factor 0.13, peer reviewed.
- -Datt G and Bhatt A K, “Artificial Neural Network Based Proposal towards Disaster Forecasting in Hilly Area of Uttarakhand”, Dev Sanskriti: Interdisciplinary International Journal, pp.1-12 (ISSN: 2279-0578, Vol. 2, No. 1, July, 2013) , peer reviewed, UGC approved Journal No 48423.
- -Pandya Pranav, Saxena A, and Bhatt A K, “Human Capacity Assessment through Time series Prediction of Artificial Neural Network” S & T Review An International Journal of Science & Technology pp.56-59 (ISSN : 2231-5160, Vol. 1, No. 2, Nov 2, 2012), Impact Factor 0.707, peer reviewed.
- -Kumar K, Singh A, Bhatt A K & Lohani M C, "Web Content Security System of Data Leakage”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), (Impact Factor 5.179), pp.1391-1396 (ISSN: 2248-9622, (Vol. 2, Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2012) http://ijera.com/papers/ Vol2_issue2/IA2213911396.pdf, peer reviewed.
- -Kumar K, Bhatt A K and Singh A, "Web-Based Support Systems for Information Retrieval", Journal of information and Operation Management, imprint by Bioinfo Publication, 0976-7754 & E-ISSN:0976-7762 (VOLUME 3 ISSUE 1, Feb 2012), Impact Factor 3.661, peer reviewed.
- Kumar S, Vaisla K S, Bhatt A K, -"Stock Market Forecasting using Artificial Neural Network and
Statistical Technique: A Comparison Report (Paper ID :100625)", International Journal of Computer and Network Security(IJCNS), ISSN Print: 2076-2739, ISSN Online:2076-9199, Published from, Austria, Vienna. Vol. 2, No. 6, PP 50-55, June 2010; Paper available at - www.ijcns.org /papers /Vol.2_No. 8/100808.pdf, Impact Factor 2.15, peer reviewed. - Sharma M K, Bhatt A K, -“Governing of Internet Governance for Developing Countries (Some Issue)”, Computer Society of India Communications (ISSN 0970-647X, Vol.31 Issue-No.8 Nov. 2007, pp 26-28).
- Datt G & Bhatt A K, “Artificial Neural Network: An Emergent Technology to Disaster Mitigation” Pragyaan Journal of Information Technology (ISSN: 0974-5513, Volume 10 Issue 2, Dec 2012, pp 15-23) , peer reviewed.
- Bhatt A & Bhatt A K, “Image Compression Algorithms under JPEG with Lapped Orthogonal Transform and Discrete Cosine Transformation” International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 7, Issue 3 (May 2013), PP. 06-10,Peer Reviewed, Impact Factor: 4.61, ISSN: 2278-067X(Online), ISSN:2278-800(Print).
- -Bhatt A K, Pande G, Pande J, “An analysis of the performance of Apple Grading based on Back-propogation neural network training algorithm” Manuscript ID : SCI 1409001 in International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Application(referred journal), 10 (2014) 149-001, peer reviewed, ISSN: 2074-9007 (Print), ISSN: 2074-9015 (Online), DOI: 10.5815/ijitcs.
- -Agarwal A, Bhatt A & Bhatt A K, “Study Design and Development of a Video Compression Technique through Crossbreeding Discrete Wavelet Transformation & Discrete Cosine Transformation”, International Journal of a Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering(Impact Factor 2.5, UGC approved, referred journal), ISSN: 2277128X, Volume 5, Issue 3 (March 2015), PP. 853-858, peer reviewed, Thomson reuters index.
- -Malik S & Bhatt A K, “Review of various forecasting techniques for financial forecasting”, International Journal of Research in Computer Application and Robotics (Impact Factor 5.012) (ISSN: 2320-7345), Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2015, peer reviewed.
- Malik S & Bhatt A K, “Developing a Model for Financial Forecasting through Artificial Neural Network", International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, UGC approved, (ISSN: 2091-2730), Thomson Impact factor 3.843(scientific Journal), Volume 3, Issue 2, Part 2, March-April, 2015, peer reviewed.
- Datt G, Bhatt A K & Kumar S, “Disaster Management Information System Framework using Feed Forward Back Propagation Neural Network”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, (2278-1021(online)), 2319-5940 (Print)), Impact Factor: 4.947, Volume 4, issue 3, March 2015, Global Impact Factor: 0.426, peer reviewed.
- Bhatt A K, “Automatic and intelligent Integrated Web-based early rain disaster alarming system using the android and cloud based application for remote hilly region of the Uttarakhand”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering(2277-128X), UGC Approved, Impact Factor: 2.5, Volume 5, issue 7, July 2015, peer reviewed.
- Datt G, Bhatt A K & Saxena A, “An Investigation of Artificial Neural Network based Prediction Systems in Rain Forecasting”, International Journal of Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication (ISSN: 2321-8169), Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 5.837, UGC Approved,, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2015, peer reviewed.
- Usmani U A, Pant D, Bhatt A K, "A Comparative Study of Google and Bing Search Engines in Context of Precision and Relative Recall Parameter”, (Web of Science/SCI) International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) pp.21-34 (ISSN Online : 0975-3397, (VOLUME 4 No. 01,Jan 2012)), indexed by SCOPUS, Impact Factor 2.15, peer reviewed.
- Vaisla K S, Bhatt A K, -“An Analysis of the Performance of Artificial Neural Network Technique for Stock Market Forecasting”, (IJCSE)International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, pp.2104-2109 (ISSN Online : 0975-3397, (VOLUME 2 ISSUE 6 Sept 2010)) Impact Factor – 0.583. Paper, Refereed, Indexed, Available at - http://www.enggjournals.com/ijcse/doc/IJCSE10-02-06-111.pdf, peer reviewed.
- Bhatt A K, Pant D, -“Neural Network Based Forecasting Of The Monthly Closing Returns Of Nifty”, Karpgam Journal Of Computer Science (ISSN 0973-2926 Karpagam JCS Vol.-4, Issue-6, pp 1861-1868, Sept.-Oct. 2010) , peer reviewed.
- Bhatt A K, Pant D, “Back Propagation Neural Networks in Financial Analysis of Stock Market Returns”, Karpgam Journal Of Computer Science (ISSN 0973-2926, Karpagam JCS, Vol.-4, Issue-1, pp1354-1361, Nov-Dec 2009) , peer reviewed.
Papers Published in Conferences Proceedings:
- Chauhan N, Bhatt A K, Dwivedi R K, “Artificial Neural Network based Quality Testing and Grading of Mangos using Non Destructive Techniques of Computer Vision”, Proceeding of the International Conference of Advance Research and Innovation” held on 2016, ISBN 978-93-5156-328-0.
- Chauhan N, Bhatt A K, Dwivedi R K, “Image Segmentation using K-Means Clustering and OTSU’S Thresholding Algorithm”, Proceeding of the 6th International Conference On “System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends” held on 2017 at Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad.
- Chauhan N, Bhatt A K, Dwivedi R K, “Quality Testing and Grading of Fruits using Non Destructive Techniques of Computer Vision: A Review”, Proceeding of the 4th International Conference On “System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends” held on 2015 at Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad
- Saxena A, Bhatt A K, Singh R,-“Assessment of Human Capacity with respect to social values and professional attitude: An Artificial Neural Network based methodology ”, (ISBN 978-93-8137804-5) E-Proceeding of the International Conference On “Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology” held on April 6-7, 2012 at College of Engineering, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad.
- Bhatt A K, Pant D,-“Forecasting daily Nifty Stock Returns with Artificial Neural Network”, Proceeding of the National Conference on Computing for Nation Development (INDIACom 2009) at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institue of Computer Applications and Management (ISSN 0973-7529, ISBN 978-81-904526-6-3, Feb. 26-27,2009, pp 507-509).
- Pant D, Bhatt A K, Sharma M K,-“Using Neural Network for Data Mining”, Proceeding of the National Conference on “Application and Trends in Data Warehousing, Data Mining and Data Modeling”, 9-10 Feb 2008 organized by Computer Society of India, Dehradun Chapter and Forest Research Institute University, Dehradun (pp 85-93). (published)