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People : Prof. Jeetendra Pande

Name: Prof. Jeetendra Pande
Designation: Professor
School : School of Computer Sciences & Information Technology, Computer Science
Qualification: B.E.(CSE), M.Tech(CSE), PhD (CSE)
Phone : 05946286060
Email : [email protected]


Dr. Jeetendra Pande is currently serving as a Professor at Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani. His illustrious career is marked by significant achievements and contributions to both academia and the field of Open and Distance Learning.

Dr. Pande has been honored with two international fellowships. In 2019, he was bestowed with the prestigious Gold Medal for Innovation in Open and Distance Learning by Indira Gandhi National Open University.

Dr. Pande has created numerous courses covering Cyber Security, Computer Science, and Distance Education. Some of his acclaimed MOOCs are hosted on SWAYAM, the National MOOC platform in India. His course on "Introduction to Cyber Security" has garnered remarkable success, attracting over 80,000 learners from 58 countries in its 10 consecutive cycles.

Dr. Pande's scholarly pursuits extend to extensive contributions in academic journals listed in SCOPUS, Web of Science, and other reputable databases. His authored books span diverse areas, including Cyber Security, Digital Forensics, Computer Organization, Microprocessors, and other facets of Computer Engineering.

In the research domain, Dr. Pande has made noteworthy strides, particularly in Component-Based Software Development and Cyber Security. He holds the distinction of being granted one international patent in Germany and one national patent in India.

As a Principal Investigator, Dr. Pande has successfully led numerous projects sanctioned by national and international agencies. Beyond his research and teaching endeavors, he is recognized as a valued reviewer for several prestigious international journals. His commitment to academic and professional excellence is further evidenced by his membership in various esteemed bodies within the realms of computer science and distance education.

Research Areas :Cyber Security, Education Technology.

Award and Fellowships:

  • Gold Medal from Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) for Innovation in Open and Distance Learning (ODL)- 2018 by Hon'ble Vice President of India Shri Venkaiah Naidu in the 32nd Convocation held on April 3, 2019 at IGNOU Headquarters, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi.
  • Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU) International Inter- University Staff Exchange Fellowship- 2018 from Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand.
  • Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU) International Inter- University Staff Exchange Fellowship- 2019 from Open University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka.
  • UNESCO UNITWIN International Exchange Fellowship Program offered by Shanghai Open University, 2024.




Patent Issuer: Germany

Patent Number: 2021110913515300DE

Issued: Dec 8, 2021

Paper Publications

Journal: 12

Conferences:  08


01 (International)

Projects Guided (UG Level)


Projects Guided (PG Level)


Professional Membership details

1.      International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT)- Global Member

2.      Internet Society (ISOC)- Life Member


Ph.D. Guidance till date

04 (Under Supervision)

Book Chapters and SLM

Books: 04

Books (as co-author): 02

Books (Edited): 02

Chapter in books: 08

MOOCs Developed

03 for SWAYAM

10 for Institutional LMS


S Gunwant, J Pande, RK Bisht, "A Systematic Study of the Literature on Career Guidance Expert Systems for Students: Implications for ODL", Journal of Learning for Development 9 (3), 492-508 [SCOPUS indexed]

Pant, H. V., Lohani, M. C., & Pande, J. (2021). Exploring the Factors Affecting Learners' Retention in MOOCs: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE), 17(4), 1-17. [Scopus and Web of Science]

Harsh Vardhan Pant, Manoj Chandra Lohani ,  Jeetendra Pande , "Decrypting the Learners’ Retention Factors in Massive Open Online Courses", Journal of Learning for Development 19 (1), 37-54 [SCOPUS Indexed]

Jeetendra Pande, G. Mythali "Investigating Student Satisfaction With Online Courses: A Case Study of Uttarakhand Open University",  International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE), Volume 17 Issue 3,Page 12-29 IGI-Global

DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.20210701.oa2 [Web of Science, SCOPUS Indexed]
Harsh Vardhan Pant, Manoj Chandra Lohani, Jeetendra Pand, "MOOCs in Higher Education: Current Trends in India and Developed Countries" In Rahman, Hakikur, ed. Ubiquitous Technologies for Human Development and Knowledge Management. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2021. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-7844-5.
Jeetendra Pande, "Experimenting with Online Learning at Uttarakhand Open University" in " Student Satisfaction with Open Distance Learning: Experiences of Open Universities", page  79-91, CEMCA, New Delhi.
Ashutosh Bahuguna, Raj Kishore Bisht, Jeetendra Pande, “Country-level cybersecurity posture assesment: Study and Analysis of Practices”, Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, Taylor & Francis, DOI: Print ISSN: 1939-3555 Online ISSN: 1939-3547, 2019.[ESCI and Scopus Indexed]
Harsh Vardhan Pant, Manoj Chandra Lohani, Jeetendra Pande, "Descriptive Analytics of MOOCs with ICT in Respect of Developed Countries and India Context" , International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development, IGI-Global,Vol 11, Issue 4, Page 18-32,DOI: 10.4018/IJICTHD.2019100102, 2020[UGC Care Listed}
Jeetendra Pande, Alka Singh, Manas Ranjan Panighari, Karunesh Saxen, "Quality Assurance Toolkit for ODL Institution: A Review Study of Uttarakhand Open University",  The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, Vol 8, Issue 11, 2020[UGC Care Listed]

Ashutosh Bahuguna, Raj Kishore Bisht, Jeetendra Pande, “Assessing Cyber Security Maturity of Organizations: An Empirical Investigation in Indian Context”, Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, 28:6,164-177,DOI: 10.1080/19393555.2019.1689318 Print ISSN: 1939-3555 Online ISSN: 1939-3547, 2019.[Extended SCI and Scopus Indexed]

Jeetendra Pande, Alka Singh, Kamolrat Intaratat, G Mythili, “Sharing, Adaptation and Organization of Open Educational Resources: Exploring the Teachers’ Attitude of Sukhothai Thamathirat Open University, Thailand”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-1, October 2019. [Scopus Indexed]
Darpan Anand, Jeetendra Pande and Udit Maheshwari, “Identity-Based Encryption Algorithm Using Hybrid Encryption and MAC Address for Key Generation”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12, October 2019 [Scopus Indexed]

Ashutosh Bahuguna, Raj Kishore Bisht, Jeetendra Pande, “Don't Wanna Cry: A Cyber Crisis Table Top Exercise for Assessing the Preparedness against Eminent Threats”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-1, October 2019. [ Scopus Indexed]

Jeetendra Pande, Kamolrat Intaratat, G Mythali, Alka Singh, “Teacher’s Attitude towards OER: A Comparative Study of Uttarakhand Open University, India and Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand” in proceeding of  International Conference on Distance Learning: Research and Innovation for Digital Society, organized by Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand and UNESCO from 1-3 Aug., 2019 at STOU, Thailand. ISBN: 978-616-161953-4

Jeetendra Pande, “Open educational practices at Uttarakhand Open University: from policies to implementation” International Journal of Information Technology(2019), Springer, Volume 11, Issue 3, pp 445–452

Jeetendra Pande, “Investigating the Attitude towards the use of Mobile Learning in Open and Distance Learning: A Case Study of Uttarakhand Open University”, The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning(2018).

Saurav Joshi, Jeetendra Pande, B K Singh, “Watermarking of audio signals using iris data for protecting intellectual property rights of multiple owners”, International Journal of Information Technology(2018),Springer, Volume 10, Issue 4, pp 559–566

Jeetendra Pande, “Opportunities and challenges in the adoption of open educational resources for course development: a case study of Uttarakhand Open University” International Journal of Information Technology(2018), Volume 10, Issue 3, 339-347, Springer, Volume 10, Issue 3, pp 339–347

Jeetendra Pande, Christopher J. Garcia, and Durgesh Pant “Optimal component selection for component based software development using   pliability metrics SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes38, 1 (January 2013), 1-6.         DOI=10.1145/2413038.2413044

Title Language Audio file
ओपन एजुकेशनल रिसोर्सेज (OER ) पर सुनें डा. जितेन्द्र पांडे को (एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर, कंप्यूटर विभाग) Hindi
Introduction Design & Analysis of Algorithm English

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