Designation: Assistant Professor (AC)
School : School of Sciences, Chemistry
Qualification: PhD (Chemistry) From Kumaun University Nainital in 2009.
Phone :
Email : [email protected]
- Dr.Ruchi Pandey is working as an Assistant Professor (AC) in the Department of Chemistry at Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani. She has published 04 research papers ,7 papers in conference proceedings and seminars. Her current areas of interests soil physicochemical characteristics .
- Dr. Ruchi Pandey has worked in the areas Tarai region of Uttarakhand region(India).
Research Areas: In Chemistry specified Soil Chemistry.
Professional Qualification : P.hd (Chemistry) From Kumaun University Nainital in 2009. Topic- “ Comparative study on the Physico- Chemical characteristics of some of the soils of different regions of Uttaranchal ''.
Screening of Primary Soil Nutrients (NPK) in Tarai and Hill Region Uttarakhand, India, © 2023 IJRAR March 2023, Volume 10, Issue 1 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
“Awareness and Consumption of Millets in Kumaun Himalayan of Uttarakhnd (India): A Short Review” in Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2023 issue of the Canadian Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Effect of Physical Properties on Organic Carbon and Organic Matter of Hill and Tarai Region (U.S.Nager) Soil: A Comparative Study in Uttarakhand, India” in Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2023 issue of the Canadian Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
- The Therapeutic uses of Putranjiva roxburghii: Review Article International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry ,2022; 7(4): 51-54 DOI: https://doi.org/10.22271/veterinary.2022.v7.i4a.433
- Screening of primary soil nutrients (NPK) in tarai and hill region Uttarakhand, india , International journal of novel research and development,2023,10(1),E-ISSN2348-1269, p-isssn 2349-5138 :320-324
- Some physical characterstics of soils of Tarai region of uttarakhand (India) . part1.R.J.E.A.S.2013,141-145.
- Chemical characteristics of some of the soils of Tarai region .part-2.Indian J.of scholararly research.2,2013,1-3.
- The Macronutrients Status of Tarai Soils in Uttarakhand, India. The Canadian Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 7, Issue 2, June 2019, Page 27-42.
- Contribution of soil Organic Carbon , Total Nitrogen and Carbon / Nitrogen Ratio in soils of Tarai Region of Uttarakhand in India. The Canadian Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 10, Issue 1, Januaru ,2022, Page 70-80.
Attended State , National and International seminars :
- 8 th Uttarakhand state science and Technology Congress, Topic - A comparative study of organic carbon and organic matter of Tarai soils of Uttarakhand – part III.
- 12 th Uttarakhand state science and Technology Congress , Topic – Assessement of macro and micro Nutrients in different sites of Tarai region of Uttarakhand, India.
- National conference on material and device (NMCD -2018) , Topic –Quantative assement of organic carbon and organic mattet (OM) in the soil of tarai rtgions of Uttarakhand.
- 13 th Uttarakhand state science and Technology Congress , Topic – A comparison of the contributions of clay, silt and organic matter to the effective cation exchange capacity (C.E.C.) of soil , of the Tarai region of Uttarakhand (India).
- 14 th Uttarakhand state science and Technology Congress , Topic – A comparison of the contributions of soil organic Carbon,total Nitrogen and c/n ratio in some of the soil , of the Tarai region of Uttarakhand (India).
- 2 nd International conference on energy, function, materials and Nanotechnologand sustainable environment management(ICEFN and SEM-2019), Topic- A comparison of contributions of clay, silt and macronitrints in some of the soil , of the Tarai region of Uttarakhand (India) .
- National Virtual conference on Recent advances in analytical techniques -2020 by Uattarakhand science education and research centre(userc) Dehradun, Uattarakhand Govt.
- National conference entitled “Plant Science Research Meet (PSRM) 2022: National conference on Agriculture, applied and life sciences- Current Research” at Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani, Topic:COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SOIL FERTILITY STATUS TARAI REGION OF UTTARAKHAND (INDIA)
- Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) in Biotechnology at GBPUAT,
Pantnagar on 24-25November 2022.
Young Scientist award in 13th Uttarakhand state science and Technology Congress in 2019.