Designation: Assistant Professor (AC)
School : School of Earth and Environmental Science, Forestry
Qualification: M.Sc. & Ph. D. (Forestry)
Phone : 09720152541
Email : [email protected]
Dr. Krishna Kumar Tamta is working as an Assistant Professor (AC) in Department of Forestry and Environmental science under the School of Earth and Environment Science at Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani since October 2021 to till date. He did his M.Sc. and Ph. D. in Forestry from the Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, D. S. B. Campus, Kumaun University, Nainital. Dr. Tamta has published a number of research papers in various reputed international and national journals. He has attended and presented his research work in several international/national conferences/ seminars/ workshops. He has worked in several research projects funded by different funding agency MoEF&CC, NOVOD Board etc. He has software skills in SPSS, Microsoft-Office, Microsoft Excel, Zoom, and Google meet, etc.
Research Area and Specialization: Forest Ecology, Forest Eco-physiology, Forest Seed Science, Community Forestry and Climate Change.
Teaching Area: Forestry and Environmental Science,
- S. P. Singh, A. Bhattacharya, Amit Mittal, Aseesh Pandey, Ashish Tewari, Avantika Latwal, Bency David, Bhupendra S. Adhikari, Devendra Kumar, G.C.S.Negi, Ishfaq Ahmad Mir, Krishna Kumar Tamta, Kumar Sambhav., et al., (2021). Indian Himalayan timberline ecotone in response to climate change – initial findings. Current Science, Volume 120, Issue 5: pp: 859-871.
- Jyotsna, Ashish Tewari, Shruti Shah and Krishna Kumar Tamta, (2020). Reliable Physical Parameters for Determining Fruit/Seed Maturity Timing of Ficus semicordata Buch. in Kumaun Region of Central Himalaya. Current World Environment, Volume 15 Issue 2: pp: 176-185.
- Jyotsna, Ashish Tewari, Shruti Shah, Krishna Kumar Tamta and Nandan Singh, (2020). Fruit maturation and germination in Ficus auriculata Lour. A Lesser known multipurpose tree species in Kumaun Himalayan Region. Ecology Environment & Conservation, Volume 26, Issue 1: pp: 142-147.
- Ashish Tewari, Shruti Shah, Nandan Singh, Krishna Kumar Tamta and Amit Mittal, (2019). Acorn Maturation and Regeneration Problem in Quercus Semecarpifolia Sm. in Himalayan Treeline. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Volume 8, Issue 11, pp: 3781-3787.
- Krishna Kumar Tamta and Ashish Tewari, (2018). Indicators of Seed Maturation in Prunus armenica L. in Indian Himalayan Region. IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 5, Issue 4, pp: 860-866.
- Krishna Kumar Tamta and Ashish Tewari, (2018) Assessing the resource potential of Cheura (Diploknema butyracea Roxb.) in Kumaun region of Uttarakhand. International Journal of Advanced Research and Development, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp: 1214-1217.
- Ripu Daman Singh, Pankaj Tewari, Pratap Dhaila and Krishna Kumar Tamta, (2018). Diversifying livelihood options of timberline resource dependent communities in Uttarakhand Himalayas: Conservation and development implications. Tropical Ecology Volume 59, Issue 2, pp: 327–338.
- Ashish Tewari, Jitendra Bhatt, Amit Mittal, Nandan Singh and Krishna Kumar Tamta, (2016). Regeneration issues and indicators of seed maturity in Mallotus phillipensis muel. Arg. in the tropical Forests of Uttarakhand. Ecology Environment & Conservation, Volume 22, Issue 2, pp: 251-2570.
- Krishna Kumar Tamta, Ashish Tewari and Vivek Pandey (2016). Biomass and carbon sequestration rate in a young Eucalyptus hybrid plantation of Terai Central Forest Division. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES), Volume 8, Issue 4, pp: 20-25.
- Ashish Tewari, Shruti Shah, Nandan Singh and Krishna Kumar Tamta, (2015). Diploknema butyracea (Roxb.) Lamb: A viable livelihood option for hill communities of Central Himalaya Region. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Volume 6, Issue 3, pp: 3937-3940.
- Book Chapters
- Ashish Tewari, Shruti Shah, Nandan Singh, Krishna Kumar Tamta, and Amit Mittal, (2021). Tree water relations in the treeline. In: Surendra P. Singh, Ripu Daman Singh and Surabhi Gumber (Eds), Interpreting mountain treelines in a changing world, (pp. 76 - 83), Central Himalayan Environment Association (CHEA) Nainital India and International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) Nepal. https://doi.org/10.53055/ICIMOD.787
- Pankaj Tewari, Ripu Daman Singh, Surabhi Gumber, Krishna Kumar Tamta, and Harshita Joshi, (2021). Anthropogenic pressures on Himalayan timberlines and experiences with livelihood interventions. In: Surendra P. Singh, Ripu Daman Singh and Surabhi Gumber (Eds), Interpreting mountain treelines in a changing world, (pp. 102 - 109), Central Himalayan Environment Association (CHEA) Nainital India and International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) Nepal. https://doi.org/10.53055/ICIMOD.787
- Krishna Kumar Tamta and Ashish Tewari, (2020). Role of Prinsepia utilis Royle A Natural Oil Yielding Species in Livelihood Generation of Local Hill Communities. In: G. Tewari, A. Tewari, L. M. Tewari and C. Pandey (Eds), Natural Products and Their Utilization Pattern, (pp. 141-156), NOVA Science Publishers, New York.
- Ashish Tewari, Shruti Shah, Bhawana Tewari, Krishna Kumar Tamta and Nandan Singh, (2015). Seedling Dynamics of Drepnostachyum Falcatum (Nees) Keng. Over A Sixteen Year Period After Mass Flowering in 2000. In: P. Tewari, S. Sah and P. Dhaila (Eds), Himalayan Bamboos: A Sustainable Livelihood Options for Rural Mountain Communities in the Region, (pp. 141-156), published By Central Himalayan Environment Association (CHEA) Nainital, Uttarakhand.
- Ashish Tewari, Krishna Kumar Tamta, Nandan Singh and Amit Mittal (2015). Cheura (Diploknema butyracea Roxb.) A promising Agroforestry Tree Species Between 300-1500 m Elevation in Kumaun Region of Uttarakhand. Chapter published in the book entitled “उत्तराखण्ड के परिपेक्ष्य में कृषि-वानिकी पद्धतियों का अभिलेखीकरण एवं संस्तुतियाँ” (pp. 136-140), published & Edited by Uttarakhand Forest Research Wing, FTI, Haldwani (Forest Department, Uttarakhand).